The Managing Board
Markus Scholz für Leopoldina
©Markus Scholz für Leopoldina
Uni Konstanz
©Uni Konstanz
would like to thank the Scientific and Local Conference Organisers
Wolfram Murr
©Wolfram Murr
and the Programme Committee of the Open Meeting:
- Frauke von Bieberstein (Universität Bern)
- Betarix Eugster (Universität St. Gallen)
- Harald Fadinger (Universität Mannheim)
- Susanne Goldlücke (Universität Konstanz)
- Ines Helm (LMU München)
- Dorothea Kübler (TU Berlin / WZB)
- Monika Merz (Universität Wien)
- Dominik Sachs (Universität St. Gallen)
- Melanie Schienle (KIT Karlsruhe)
- Matthias Schündeln (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
- Lena Tonzer (Universität Magdeburg)
- Christoph Trebesch (ifw Kiel / Universität Kiel)
They were supported by 111 reviewers.
Furthermore we thank
the keynote speakers
- David Card (UC Berkeley, winner of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics)
- Christian Dustmann (University College London and RF Berlin)
- Jessica Pan (NUS Singapore)
and the Thünen Speaker Ottmar Edenhofer (PIK Potsdam) for their commitment to speak at our annual conference.
We also would like to say thank you for coming to Berlin to
- all speakers of the Open Meeting
- all moderators
- all panelists
- the winners of the Reinhard Selten Award (Lukas Hack), the Carl Menger Award (Benjamin Moll), the Hermann Heinrich Gossen Award (Christoph Trebesch), and the Gustav Stolper Award (Simon Jäger)