The main language of all the events is English, therefore this webpage is only available in English. The information on the panels will be updated continuously.
Panel Session RatSWD
Tuesday 13 Sept. / 9:00-10:30
Research with Big Data – Data Access and Research Data Management
In the social, behavioural and economic sciences, there is a growing interest in utilising data generated through increased digitisation, often referred to as big data, as these data are large in numbers, offer options for real-time analysis and allow non-reactive collection methods. However, the availability of big data for research is limited, due to problems in data access, utilisation and archiving.
The German Data Forum (RatSWD) part of the consortium "KonsortSWD" within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and the accredited research data centres (RDCs) aim to strengthen the German research infrastructure and to provide standardised access to anonymised (micro)data from public or private big data sources. The RatSWD-session will discuss the challenges of accessing and using big data for research and present the activities of the RatSWD and its partners to date to improve data access.
The German Data Forum (RatSWD) advises the federal government and the governments in the federal states on expanding and improving the research data infrastructure for the empirical social, behavioural and economic sciences. The German Data Forum (RatSWD) is part of the consortium "KonsortSWD" within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).
The German Data Forum (RatSWD) offers a forum for dialogue between researchers and data producers, who jointly issue recommendations and position papers. The council furthers the development of a research infrastructure that provides researchers with flexible and secure access to a broad range of data. The German Data Forum (RatSWD) has accredited 41 research data centres (as of March 2022) and fosters their interaction and collaboration.
- Philipp Breidenbach (RWI)
- Sandra Dummert (IAB)
- Natalie Rosenski (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
Chair: Kerstin Schneider (German Data Forum RatSWD, University of Wuppertal)
Tuesday 13 Sept. / 11:00-12:30
Making Use of Big Data for Evidence-based Economic Policy: Getting the Framework Conditions Right
Big data technologies such as nowcasting or text mining broaden the scope of evidence-based economic policy. In order to fully use the potential of big data for policy advice, it is essential to get the framework conditions right. The panel discussion aims at analysing the preconditions necessary to use big data analytics for evidence-based policy with regard to data access, data linkage, data quality, data protection regulation as well as data literacy. The panel brings together the perspectives of official data providers, data infrastructure, researchers as data users, and politics as recipient of evidence-based economic policy advice.
- Stefan Bender (Deutsche Bundesbank)
- Vera Demary (IW Köln)
- Stefan Profit (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz)
- Joachim Winter (LMU München, RatSWD)
Moderation: Patrick Bernau (Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung)
Panel der AG Förderung von Frauen in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Tuesday 13 Sept. / 11:00-12:30 / Language: German
Herausforderungen und Chancen für Frauen in akademischen Führungsrollen: Berichte aus Theorie und Praxis
Ungleiche Arbeitsbedingungen für Männer und Frauen finden sich häufig auf allen universitären Hierarchieebenen. Auch Frauen in akademischen Führungsfunktionen stehen oft besonderen Herausforderungen gegenüber – universitäre Leitungsfunktionen bieten allerdings auch besonders attraktive Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. In dieser Session berichten Rektorinnen und Professorinnen über Chancen sowie Stolpersteine, die sich für Frauen in unterschiedlichen universitären Führungspositionen ergeben.
- Birgitt Riegraf (Universität Paderborn)
- Andrea Schenker-Wicki (Universität Basel)
- Katharina Wrohlich (Universität Potsdam, DIW)
Einführung: Birgitt Riegraf (Universität Paderborn)
Panel ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
Tuesday 13 Sept. / 13:00-13:45
Replication and Research Transparency
Research has to be transparent in order to be considered as credible and valid. Reproduction and replication are practices that seek to establish the validity of research. At the same time, replication is a time-consuming activity that may be conflicting with the pursuit of other goals of research in social sciences, such as originality, relevance and plausibility. The panel will discuss fundamental aims and incentives of replication as well as concrete tools, procedures and publication outlets.
- David A. Jaeger (Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics, University of St. Andrews)
- Andreas Peichl (ifo Institute / LMU Munich)
- Lars Vilhuber (Data Editor of the American Economic Association, Cornell University)
Chair: Marianne Saam (ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics and University of Hamburg)
Panel of the Central Banks
Tuesday 13 Sept / 15:45-17:15
Big Data in Central Banks
With experts from different central banks, the Central Bank Panel 2022 discusses the potential of big data for central banks in the execution of their mandate and the challenges this new resource may raise in terms of skills, organization, cost or communication.
- Sergio Nicoletti Altimari (Bank of Italy)
- Oscar Arce (ECB)
- Birgit Niessner (Österreichische Nationalbank)
- Kasper Roszbach (Norges Bank)
Chair: Matthias Gubler (Swiss National Bank)