Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership

Hauseingang Nr. 59

Corporate Membership

The Verein für Socialpolitik is a non-profit organization. Corporate membership is open to all institutions wishing to promote the aims of the association.

You have the possibility to be a "Major Partner Institute", a "Partner Institute" or a "Supporting Institute". The three categories differ in the benefits and in the amount of the membership fee.

Major Partner Institute
Annual membership fee: 2.000 €
Send up to 20 employees at the reduced member price to the VfS annual conference

Partner Institute
Annual membership fee: 1.000 €
Send up to 8 employees at the reduced member price to the VfS annual conference

Supporting Institute
Annual membership fee: 500 €
Send up to 4 employees at the reduced member price to the VfS annual conference

As a corporate member, your institute generally has these advantages:

  • You send - depending on the type of corporate membership - up to 20 persons to our VfS Annual Conference at a reduced conference price for members of 89 € and thus actively promote your staff.
  • You appear with your logo as "Major Partner Institute", "Partner Institute" or "Supporting Institute" on the homepage of the Verein für Socialpolitik and in the program booklet of the VfS Annual conference.  
  • You benefit from direct access to offers on the association's homepage (academic job market, conference calendar, member directory).

As a "Major Partner Institute" or as a "Partner Institute" you can present your organisation at the VfS Annual Conference at reduced booth fees and make your institution internationally known.

Here you can find the Membership Fee Regulations of the Verein für Socialpolitik.

Contact us:

Verein für Socialpolitik e.V. 
- Office-
Mohrenstraße 59 (1. Etage)
10117 Berlin


    Central Banks:


    Federal Ministries:

    Logos Bundesministerien

    Major Partner Institutes:

    Große Partnerinstitute

    Partner Institutes:

    Logos der Partnerinstitute

    Supporting Institutes:

    Logos der Förderinstitute

    Further Scientific Institutions and Bodies:

    Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg

    Foundations and Associations:

    Bundesverband deutscher Banken
    Bundesverband deutscher Volks- und Betriebswirte e.V.
    Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband
    Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag