Become a member of the Verein für Socialpolitik!
The Verein für Socialpolitik is a non-profit organisation. Membership is open to all persons and institutions who wish to promote the aims of the Society and who, if applicable, are willing and suitably qualified to cooperate in the scientific tasks of the Society.
The member commits to the Code of Ethics of the Verein für Socialpolitik. The statutes of the Association shall apply. According to § 4 of the statutes, membership is not limited in time. Resignation requires 2 months' notice to the end of a calendar year.
Your benefits
Benefit from a reduced participation fee for the annual conference if you register as a member. The conferences of the Verein für Socialpolitik also enjoy a high international reputation.
Subscription to the Association's Journals
As a member, you can purchase a print subscription to the Association's journal 'Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik' at a reduced price of €10/year. This offer is only available to members with a German, Austrian or Swiss postal address. The journal is published quarterly.
You can expand your network via the member directory on our homepage and benefit from our conference calendar and job market. With your voting rights, you can influence the policies of the association. As a member of the Verein für Socialpolitik, you will receive regular information about the association, e.g. about upcoming elections and news about association activities.
Younger members who currently pay a reduced membership fee can benefit from the conference subsidy programme: Simply apply and receive a € 500 lecture bonus. More information is available here.
Membership Fees
Here you can find the membership fee regulations of the Verein für Socialpolitik.
The membership fee generally consists of a donation share for general association purposes and a share for the subscription to the association's journals. If you do not subscribe to the print edition of the journals, the fee is reduced accordingly.
You will receive an invoice for the membership fee once the membership application has been approved. The invoice includes the membership fee for the entire calendar year, even if you join the association during the year.
Full membership without print subscription € 89
Reduced membership without print subscription € 45
A reduction is granted to members who have not yet reached the age of 40. A reduction shall not be granted if the member already holds a W2/W3 or an associate professorship (Germany), an associate, a university or an associate professorship (Austria) or an (associate) full professorship (Switzerland).A reduction shall be granted to members who have not yet reached the age of 40. A reduction is not granted if the member already holds a W2/W3 or an associate professorship (Germany), an associate, a university or an associate professorship (Austria) or an (extra-)full professorship (Switzerland).
Stay in touch with us!
The office will be happy to answer your questions about the association and your membership.
You will receive regular e-mails from us reporting on the life of the association, enabling you to participate in elections and informing you about the VfS annual conference. If your membership expires, e.g. due to your cancellation, your data will be deleted. Please keep your data, especially your e-mail address, up to date.
Information from the electronic membership directory may only be used for personal use and to contact you regarding scientific networking and may not be passed on to third parties.