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136 Results

Gustav Schmoller Medal

The Verein für Socialpolitik awards members who have rendered outstanding merits to the association with a medal of honour. The medal of honour is named after one of the founding fathers and long-standing chairman of…


The Verein für Socialpolitik assigns various prizes and awards. As the umbrella organization of German-speaking economists, the Verein für Socialpolitik considers one of its primary tasks to honor outstanding…

The Association´s Journals

The German Economic Association publishes two journals, the English language journal German Economic Review and the German language journal Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik. Shipment to Germany, Austria and…

Honorary Members

The Verein für Socialpolitik has currently one honorary member. Natural persons can become honorary members if they have made a special contribution towards the association´s purpose. …

Personal Membership

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Johann Heinrich von Thünen Lecture

The Johann Heinrich von Thünen Lecture has been an important part of the annual meetings since 1986. Johann Heinrich von Thünen (1783-1850) was a noted German agronomist, economist and social reformer from Mecklenburg.…

Governing Bodies

The Verein fuer Socialpolitik e.V. consists of the following bodies: Assembly of Members, Management Board, Executive Council, Standing Field Committees, Cash Auditors, Executive Office

Asssembly of members

The General Assembly shall meet every two years in an even numbered year. The assembly of members is held for this purpose on the first day of the annual meeting at the meeting venue.

VfS Newsletter

Here you can find our newsletters of the last years. They are usually sent out twice a year. The newsletters have only been published in German until 2020. Subscribe to Newsletter

Standing Field Committees

For the promotion of research in particular scientific areas, the Executive Council may institute standing field committees. The chairmen of the standing field committees are elected for a two-year renewable term. The…