The Verein für Socialpolitik promotes an international presence of young scientists with a subsidy of 300 Euros for presentations at prestigious international conferences.The lecture subsidies are financed by the association and donations from the Swiss National Bank and are awarded once a year in mid-December. Therefore a commitment for a subsidy is not possible before that date.
To be eligible to receive a subsidy, you must meet the following conditions:
You must fulfill the eligibility requirements listed below.
You must submit an application.
Your application must be approved.
1. Eligibility for subsidies
To be eligible, the following criteria must be met:
The applicant is member of the Verein für Socialpolitik and has paid the membership fee for the current year.
The applicant meets the requirements to pay the reduced fee.
The paper submitted for the conference subsidy programme has been written at a scientific institution in Germany, Austria or Switzerland and the applicant is mainly affiliated there.
A lecture was given this year at one of the listed international conferences. Poster presentations cannot be supported.
One author can receive funds only once for the presentation of the same paper.
If the same author presents another paper, this paper presentation is separately eligible for funding, if the presentation does not take place at the same conference.
Presentations of the same paper by a co-author are also separately eligible for funding.
2. Application Procedure
Send the online application form by 31st October of the year in which the lecture is held.
The decisive factor here is the date of receipt of the completed application. However, if the conference will take place after the application deadline, the application may be submitted in the following year.
In order for the application to be processed, the following documentation must be complete and submitted together:
the complete script of the proposed presentation
a confirmation that the lecture was actually held (e.g. copy of the invitation or program on which the lecture is confirmed and signed by the session chair)
Please note that only complete applications will be considered.
3. Approval Process
The following conferences are supported in 2025 (inclusive virtual conferences). You can also find them in our conference calendar.
Academy of Management - Annual Meeting
American Accounting Association (AAA) - Annual Meeting
American Economic Association (AEA / ASSA) - Annual Meeting
American Finance Association (AFA) - Annual Meeting
European Assoc. of Environmental and Ressource Economists (EAERE) - Annual Conference
European Assoc. of Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) - Annual Conference
Econometric Society (ES) - World Congress
Econometric Society (ES) - European Winter Meeting
Econometric Society (ES) - North American Winter Meeting
Econometric Society (ES) - Africa Meeting
Econometric Society (ES) - North America Summer Meeting
Econometric Society (ES) - LAMES-LACEA Annual Meeting
Econometric Society (ES) - Asia Meeting
Econometric Society (ES) - Australasia Meeting
Econometric Society (ES) - Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, East and South-East Asia
Econometric Society (ES) - European Summer Meeting
European Association of Labor Economists (EALE) - Annual Conference
European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) - Annual Conference
European Academy of Management (EURAM) - Annual Conference
European Accounting Association (EAA) - Annual Congress
European Economic Association (EEA) - Annual Congress
European Finance Association (EFA) - Annual Meeting
European Public Choice Society (EPCS) - Annual Congress
International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF) - Annual Congress
Royal Economic Society (RES) - Annual Conference
Society for Economic Dynamics (SED) - Annual Meeting
Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics (SIOE) - Annual Conference
Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET) - Annual Conference
Society of Labor Economists (SOLE) - Annual Meeting
Urban Economics Association- North American Meeting
If insufficient funding is available for all applicants, the beneficiaries of the subsidy will be decided by a lottery.
If you have any questions, please contact the VfS office.