This year´s Reinhard Selten Award winner are Katharina Brütt und Huaiping Yuan! Congratulations!
Our VfS Annual Conference on "Big Data in Economics" is about to start!
The standing field committee of Public Finance will award the prize of the Schmölders Foundation in 2023.
You can now register for the Annual Conference 2022! It will take place from 11 to 14 September at the University of Basel.
From 1 February, papers and organised sessions may be submitted from all fields of economics.
Papers from the field of social science research can be submitted until January 31, 2022.
An extraordinary meeting of members will be held on December 8, 2021. Please register!
Deadline for the Conference Subsidy Programme is October 31, 2021
This year´s Gustav Stolper Award winner ist Lars P. Feld (Freiburg University).
This year´s Hermann Heinrich Gossen Award winner ist Florian Scheuer (Zurich University).