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167 Results

ERC-AvH Workshop: Presentation slides

Here you will find further materials and the presentations.

Reinhard Selten Award 2021

This year´s Reinhard Selten Award winner is Alina Bartscher (Denmark National Bank).

Alina Bartscher

VfS Annual Conference 2021: Virtual Venue

Our virtual conference platform is now available for all registered participants. You can still register for the conference at short notice.

Public Panel on "Biodiversity and the Wealth of Nations"

A public panel on "Biodiversity and the Wealth of Nations" will be held on September 26, 2021.

PIK 16

Annual Meeting 2021

The Annual Conference 2021 will be held as an online conference.

Plakat Jahrestagung 2021 Slider

In Memoriam: Nora Szech

We mourn the loss of Prof. Nora Szech (1980-2023).

“Wirtschaft verstehen, Zukunft gestalten”

As part of the 150th anniversary, the Verein für Socialpolitik has asked prominent members to demonstrate the relevance of economics for solving societal problems.

Jubiläumsreihe des VfS

VfS Annual Conference 2023: Call for Papers

The call for papers for the open part of the next VfS Annual Conference at the Regensburg University will start on February, 1st.

Regensburg Stadt

2023 DFG Review Board Election

The DFG Review Board Election will take place from October 23 to November 20, 2023. As is previous years, several candidates proposed by the VfS are eligible for election.

Upcoming: FAZ – “Der Volkswirt” series

To celebrate the 150th anniversary since the founding of the VfS, a series of articles will be published in the print edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in the coming weeks.